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Updated: Sep 30, 2018

Ever thought of creating your own teas? Find out what best intrigues, calms and soothes you, put it together in a warm tea-cup and breathe..

If you're anything like me, chances are you're sipping on a cup of green/white #tea every night or on rainy days. But tea doesn't only extend to slowing down the hectic day but can add to your #health as well. Let me show you how to switch from tea bags to your backyard instead, saving time and a few extra dollar bills.

" Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings." - Letitia Baldrige

There's a reason I stick to just green & white teas over black (if I'm having tea bags). White tea is minimally processed and not oxidized, meaning it retains the natural #antioxidants but does not develop as much color, flavor or #caffeine. Green tea is minimally oxidized as and additionally processed than white tea. This brings out more flavor and allows more caffeine to develop. Hence White tea is the best option before going to bed simply because you don't want to introduce any caffeine into your body that will affect your sleep.

Black tea however is fully fermented with high levels of caffeine and the least amount of antioxidants. What's the point of putting this into your body?

My significant other is growing his own crops which includes Mint. The above picture has five (5) different types of mint leaves that all came from our backyard! Which I delicately incorporated into this tea combination.

Did I mention I started growing my own Lemon Balm Plant as well? Picked it up at Moyogi Plant Shop in Maraval along Saddle Road. I hand picked some leaves, laid them out to dry and added them as well. I recommend buying one of these plants simply because the scent of this growing in your yard is remarkable.

So What Do You Need?

  1. Mint Leaves! Of course - Doesn't have to be 5 different types can simply be the one you love

  2. Dried Lemon Balm Leaves (You can use fresh Lime Tree Leaves if you wish)

  3. 1 Thin Slice of Lime

  4. 1 Teaspoon of Honey

You can vary the quantities of #Mint and #Lemon Balm leaves to suit your preference. Usually I grind the leaves up but as I ended up using a large quantity of the various mint leaves in this pot of tea I just chopped them up a bit (not too fine else it's difficult to strain and a bit over-powering). Also chopped the dried Lemon Balm leaves a bit, added this to the pot, then add the thin slice of lime, pour your hot water, stir and finally add the honey! Stir and sip on your home-made tea :)

Can you replace the Honey with Sugar?

Most definitely not. #Honey is far more beneficial to you than processed sugar! However, I must stress that Diabetics should consume with caution.

Did you know that honey contains antioxidant compounds that have been linked to modest reductions in blood pressure?

I must also convince you to support local when you're sourcing your delicious bottles of honey. Right here in #TrinidadandTobago we produce some of the finest honey. So let's not neglect what we have at home!

What Else Is Beneficial In Your Tea?

  • Mint: Good for Headaches, Fatigue, Congestion & Skin Care

  • Lemon Balm: Good for fighting colds and flus with its Antiviral properties. Also is known for its #CalmingEffects on the nerves!

Seriously does it get better than this?

Now off you go! For a freshly made cup of #Tea :)


I dedicate this post to two phenomenal individuals that introduced me to this: Joshua Alexander & Dominic Davis.

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