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Ramen Noodles - A Bowl Of Comfort

Sometimes all you need is Ramen to get you through your day 🍜

So you know those Top Ramen packs of ramen you grab from the grocery? Well instead of just boiling this in hot water and adding the flavor packet, why not make it a satisfying meal?

Here’s what I did:

  1. Gather some chive and parsley and chip them up.

  2. Boil an egg for 15 minutes. If you like the yolk runny, boil for 10 minutes.

  3. I took a rotisserie chicken that I bought earlier and shredded just leg meat as my preference. Use whichever part of the chicken you like the most and shred the pieces of meat from the bone.

  4. Boil your noodles and when soft then add chopped chives and parsley. Followed by flavor packet and a dash of soy sauce.

  5. Mix well and empty into serving bowl.

  6. Serve with shredded chicken and egg.

There you go 🤗 A lovely warm meal to enjoy!

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- Peace & Love

Shiz 💜

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