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DATE Me Smoothie ;)

Updated: Oct 1, 2018

You can't buy happiness but you can have a smoothie!

This isn't just a healthy smoothie but a delectable treat as well. It makes a great on the go breakfast and has a lot of benefits as well.

Benefits to Dates:

  1. Aids in Digestion with its high dietary fiber content.

  2. Regulate Blood Pressure

  3. Contains Vitamin B

  4. Improve vision which contain beta-carotene which can be converted into vitamin A

  5. Reduce Cholestorol

  6. Regulate Hormones with the abundance of Manganese

  7. Strengthening of Bones with notable levels of magnesium, manganese, copper and calcium.

Note: If you'e suffering from Diabetes, Medjool Dates or this smoothie is not a good idea.

Gather Ingredients:

  1. 1 Banana

  2. 2 Tablespoons of Salted Peanut Butter

  3. 1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder

  4. 4 Medjool Dates

  5. 1 1/2 Cups of Almond Milk

  6. 1/2 Cup of Ice

Pit your dates, slice up your banana and add all ingredients to your blender and blend. Add a bit of cinnamon if you'd like!

Serve chilled and enjoy :)

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