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Hot Chocolate - The Low-Fat Way!

Rainy, cold nights deserve to be accompanied by hot-chocolate and a good book.

I've always been a fan of hot-chocolate but settled for the quick mix one. Not that it's not delicious, but I've been on the path of finding a healthy way to enjoy all the good things in life.

Are you ready for this?

We're going to switch things up a bit to make it a bit healthier to consume so you don't feel guilty ;)

So What Do You Need?

For 2 cups:

  1. 2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

  2. 2 1/2 Cups of Almond Milk - Original

  3. 2 Tbsp Honey

  4. 1 Pinch of Cinnamon

  5. Whip Cream & Shaved Dark Chocolate

In a blender, mix together the Cocoa Powder, Milk, Honey and Cinnamon.

Place mixture into a saucepan and heat till your desired temperature. I usually leave it for about 5 minutes.

Serve with whip cream and chocolate shavings :)

I encourage and urge you to support local! Local Dark Chocolate can be found in Starlite, Superpharm, Green Market Santa Cruz and some grocery outlets and gourmet stores as well as local honey!

Trinidad and Tobago is home to the finest Cocoa in the world so don't miss out on it! Support our local bee farms that also produce some of the finest honey! Replace artificial sweeteners with honey for a healthier option :)

If you try this recipe be sure to tag @indecisive.foodie on your post! Like, Share and Subscribe for more upcoming delicious eats and drinks!

Hope you enjoy your warm hot-chocolate this rainy season.

Love & Peace


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