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Grilled-Cheese Kale Sandwich!

Updated: Jul 9, 2018

Breakfast done right!

Over the course of the month, I plan on doing different recipes that includes Kale. I understand just how gross you think Kale can be but it's not at all awful if used properly! So why am I trying to convince you to eat Kale?

Kale is one of the healthiest foods you can eat! It's what we call a 'superfood'. I mean, who knew this green leaf can contain all these nutrients? The nutrients it contains support healthy skin, hair, and bones. The fiber content enhances digestion and contributes to cardiovascular health and has more nutritional value than spinach.

Key Points To Remember:

  1. High in Fiber

  2. Potassium found in Kale may assist in reducing heart disease

  3. A good source of Vitamin C and Iron

  4. Contains antioxidants, calcium and Vitamin K

  5. Fiber & Antioxidants can offer protection against diabetes

"Fiber: Studies have shown that a high intake of fiberS may lower blood glucose levels in people with type-1 diabetes. Those with type-2 diabetes may see improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels."
  • One cup of chopped fresh kale, weighing about 16 grams (g), provides 0.6 g of fiber.

  • A cup of cooked kale (about 130 g) provides 2.6 g of fiber.

Please Note!

Anyone who is taking blood thinning medication or who has a kidney problem should check with a doctor before adding more kale to the diet.

So What's In Store For Today?

Try a Grilled-Cheese Kale Sandwich! Yum! I promise you this was an amazing combination. Follow closely so you can do it right.

What Do You Need & What Do You Do?

  1. Kale! - Wash each leaf and dry as much as possible. Remove the stems from each leaf by cutting along the stem throughout the length of the leaf on both sides. Then place them neatly on a baking sheet in a baking tray. Preheat your oven to 350 deg Fahrenheit.

  2. Olive Oil - Using a brush or if your bottle of oil has a pourer (no this doesn't come with your bottle) drizzle or lightly brush Olive Oil unto the leaves.

  3. Crushed Pepper Flakes, Black Pepper & Salt - Sprinkle these to your desire over your Olive Oil covered leaves. When your oven is heated, place the trays into the oven for 5-10 minutes. Check them to make sure they're not burning! You want them just as the edges begin to turn brown.

  4. Whole Grain Bread - This is a much healthier option to regular white bread or fake whole wheat bread, make sure you get this right for your benefit. I used two slices for 1 sandwich, so depending on how much you're making, use accordingly.

  5. Mayonnaise, Spicy Brown Mustard & Paprika - In a bowl, for 1 sandwich, mix together 1 tablespoon Mayo, with 1 tablespoon mustard and a dash of paprika. (If you're not a spicy person replace the Spicy Brown Mustard with Dijon Mustard and ditch the paprika.)

  6. HELLO CHECK YOUR KALE! Remove from heat - place into a bowl once finished.

  7. Parmesan Cheese/Havarti/Gouda - Basically Any Cheese you prefer but I strongly recommend one of the three mentioned! Have some slices or grated in a bowl nearby to layer each slice of bread with. I used Parmesan!

  8. Heat a saucepan large enough to hold at least 2 slices of bread at a time. Since I used a brush for my Olive Oil earlier, I simply passed the brush with the remnants of Olive Oil on the base of my saucepan instead of adding butter.

  9. Softened Butter - Paste the outside of the bread with softened butter. Place this side on the base of the saucepan.

  10. Mayo-Mustard Mix & Cheese - Add this mixture to the inside face of the bread and sprinkle your cheese over this.

  11. Cover your pan to allow the cheese to properly melt!

  12. In a separate smaller saucepan, using 1 egg per sandwich, make a sunny-side up. This goes on top of the sandwich before serving.

  13. Once your cheese has melted - Remove from pan, add Kale Chips, place other slice of bread with buttered side to the Kale, add another layer of Kale Chips and then place sunny-side up egg on top and serve :)

Go ahead and enjoy this with a freshly squeezed cup of orange juice as morning breakfast!

Be sure to look out for more upcoming delicious ways to use Kale :)

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