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Granola-Yogurt Parfait

Updated: Sep 30, 2018

Because Breakfast On-The-Go does NOT have to be depressing!

Let me be clear, my definition of #Breakfast #OnTheGo translates to - Pulling something out of the fridge prepped the night before and having it when you get to work. NOT pulling something out of the fridge and eating it while driving, walking or travelling to school/work. Why?

Eating while you're walking or engaging in other activities is not a safe or #healthy option. Eating while you're walking only encourages you to eat more than you need to as you are burning calories in the process of walking. Eating while driving quite possibly means you're already distracted on the road and forcing your brain to focus on two critical tasks - Safe driving, and Digestion! So slow down.

I'm up at 4am every morning, and I drive down the highway to get to work, so trust me when I say I understand how crazy your morning can get.

If it's one thing I've learned in the past year of changing jobs however, is that there is NO job or company that honestly gives a sh*t about you and your health. I mean, why would they? If anything happens to you, they're interviewing tomorrow for your position.

So stop sacrificing yourself for 5 minutes you need in the morning to eat. Take your 5 minutes, eat well, and your performance throughout the day will be far more #productive than if you scurried through breakfast.

It's not just about eating, you've now naturally engaged your mind into a calm, organized state in comparison to the frenzy you were in before. This is the main reason why you're now better at performing your daily tasks. I get to work at 6:50 am, since work starts at 7am, I eat my breakfast and have a cup of coffee for the remaining 10 minutes. Then I go to my desk to begin my day.

Second most crucial tip - Eat. Away. From. Your. Desk.

I'm sure you've heard of not eating in bed because your mind as already established that this is your environment conducive for resting. Same thing applies for not eating by your desk - Find a bench outside, go to the lunch room, find a place where you can comfortably enjoy your meal and set your frame of mind for the day ahead.

So What Do You Need?

  1. Granola! - Personally I drastically prefer to go to #StarlitePharmacy and get myself a tub of #GraciousGrains Granola. This is homemade granola and trust me when I say it's remarkable.

  2. Yogurt flavor of your choice - I've used Vanilla & Custard Yogurt.

  3. Plain Greek Yogurt

  4. Fruits! - Stick to one fruit or two (2) maximum but ensure the combination profile is something you'd enjoy.

  5. Mason jar, Jar, Anything you'd want to put this in to refrigerate.

Start by putting a layer of #Granola to the bottom, then add a layer of your flavored yogurt. Repeat this based on how many layers you desire.

The final layer of yogurt however, that lies just beneath the fruit should be Plain Greek Yogurt, so as to not take away from the delightful flavors of the fruits you're about to add on top.

I've used Mango because of my insatiable love for #Mangoes, which I cut up into cubes and added on top.

Final Step - Stick into the refrigerator overnight, grab it in the morning on your way out and enjoy a healthy quick breakfast!

What About Nutritional Value?

  1. Granola - High in Fiber and Improves you energy levels. Granola also contains close to 50% of the recommended intake of Vitamin E which is perfect for your skin. Granola also has 12g of protein per 100g of serving which is a welcome addition of Protein into your diet. I used to have anemia - which is a lack of Iron. Granola contains moderate amounts of Iron which is extremely beneficial!

  2. Yogurt - Probiotics & Protein - Nuff Said!

  3. Fruits - Natural Sugars over Processed Sugars any day, anytime.

Check out my other blogs for benefits of Fruits & Yogurts!

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