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Fruit-Yogurt Delight

Updated: Sep 30, 2018

Who says eating fruits has to be boring? There are so many different ways and combinations to enjoy fruits while also including necessary protein into your diet!

It's #Sunday morning, you're rolling out of bed contemplating an easy #breakfast. For my Trini's we're probably already set on a doubles with slight pepper, but let's try to start the #week right instead!

What are the benefits of this Breakfast?

In this hot climate, why not enjoy something light, smooth, cool and wildly refreshing?

For starters, Papayas/Paw-Paws aid in #digestion. They're also high in fiber and water content which both prevent constipation. Now let's talk probiotics. There are benefits to the "good" bacteria in #yogurts that adjust the microflora (the natural balance of organisms) in the intestines, or by acting directly on body functions, such as digestion or immune function. #Yogurt lovers will also injest a dose of animal protein and several other #nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium, vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium and magnesium!

Starting the week right, remember? ;)

When it comes to the #fruits, here's the best part, YOU can adjust to suit your fancy! You can create a thousand different combinations of flavored yogurts and fruits of your preference! I personally prefer to keep the yogurt simple so that it doesn't overwhelm the taste of the fruits added, but for the fruity lovers out there, well what can I say, go wild! Not to mention the endless benefits to all fruits including the fact that these introduce #natural sugars into your body.

The sugar you find in fruit isn't the same sugar you find in snacks!

Natural sugars are NATURALLY occurring which is healthy, while added sugars are processed and lead to weight gain. Fructose is the natural sugar found in fruits. This is important since the natural nutrients found in fructose help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, which prevents you from feeling #hungry soon after eating. Understand? This is how you stop yourself from feeling hungry 24/7 and constantly eating. It's not HOW much you eat, but WHAT you eat.

So What Do You Need?

  1. Paw-paw/Papaya - 1 Paw-Paw/Papaya will give you 2 bowls, so depending on how many bowls you want, adjust the quantity accordingly.

  2. 1 cup of vanilla (recommended) yogurt can fill two bowls properly.

  3. Seedless Grapes

  4. Strawberries

  5. Pears

  6. Mint leaves (personal touch)

Cut the Paw-Paw/Papaya in half and scrape the seeds out.

Fill the bowl with the vanilla yogurt.

Slice fruits up into edible bites and place on top the yogurt.

Add a bit of mint leaves to finish!

Lastly, enjoy a healthy breakfast :)

All information posted above was written based on research. Conduct your own research to better understand the impact of a healthy diet on your body! :)

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