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Cozy Spaghetti Carbonara

Updated: Sep 30, 2018

It's been a long day, you deserve some unnecessary carbs that are just good for your soul. Dig into the warmth of the Parmesan Cheese with freshly picked Parsley!

What?! She's posting a not so healthy meal? Yes! Like I said, sometimes you eat for your health and sometimes you eat for your soul. Everything is best in moderation and both makes you happy! Of course nutrition is important but it's okay every now and again so indulge your cravings.

Spaghetti Fanatic

"Today's goal: Less Upsetti, More Spaghetti!"

I adore pasta, it's definitely my 'Go-To' meal. I'm not a fan of #Marinara sauces unless there's #Basil heavily involved, so I tend to go for a #Creamy, #Cheesy meal almost always. I am a firm believer in the powers of a properly cooked #Spaghetti dish - #SpaghettiCarbonara is by far my favorite.

Anyone that knows me personally, know that the first thing I've learned to cook is #Pasta, the thing I used to cook most often at University was #Pasta! One of these days I'll be sitting in Italy, looking out into the street enjoying a plate of Spaghetti with freshly, grated #Parmesan Cheese and a smooth glass of #Wine to go with it. Ah yes, the dream.

But until such time, I'm going to have to bring Italy to my kitchen.

So What Do You Need?

  1. 1 Box of Barilla Spaghetti - I recommend this brand since I've been cooking with various brands of pasta for quite some time, this is by far the best I've discovered.

  2. 1/2 tsp Olive Oil

  3. 1/2 Pack of Bacon - Choose your favorite brand. Turkey bacon can also be substituted for my Muslim friends out there!

  4. 2 Eggs

  5. Butter

  6. Grated Parmesan Cheese - The amount you desire

  7. 1/4 tsp of Salt

  8. 1/2 tsp of Garlic Powder

  9. Fresh Parsley

  10. Ground Black Pepper to Taste

Bring a pot of water to boil with added salt, add the Spaghetti and then add the #OliveOil to the boiling water.

Olive Oil not only adds a bit of flavor but prevents the pasta from sticking together during boiling!

Chop up your Bacon into cube lardons. Heat up a frying pan, add a tiny drop of butter (not too much since bacon springs its own oil), and then add the bacon. Cook until crispy, mix in the garlic powder and set this aside.

Grab your eggs! Beat them up in a bowl and add about 1/2 cup of Parmesan & mix well.

Add the cooked bacon to the egg mixture.

Check your Spaghetti!

Strain your Spaghetti and place back into the pot or your final Bowl. Add the cooked bacon and egg mixture to the pasta and mix thoroughly.

- Don't worry about the raw egg! The heat from the Spaghetti will be enough to cook it. It's important to do this quickly so your pasta does not cool!

Add the grounded black pepper to taste, then plate it!

On top of each serving, sprinkle the fresh Parsley and maybe some more Parmesan to your heart's desire.

Serve immediately.

Off you go!

Remember, this is NOT a cheat meal. You're simply nourishing your soul today, eating for your own peace and self-love. It's not all about health and fitness, but you certainly have to find a balance. Over-doing the unhealthy meals means you are out of balance. Indulge, and stay conscious.

- Love Shiz

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