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Bloody Mary!

Because being a #Woman is more complicated than you think. Men are welcomed if they'd like to educate themselves on how to make their lives easier with us!

Let's talk cramps. Menstrual Cramps. You're bloated, you're tired, you either have an excessive appetite or none at all, headaches, emotions are running high, nausea, back-pains and the list of side effects that go along with your cycle continues. Each woman is affected differently by their individual Menstrual Cycle.

But why should Mother Nature keep us down for 5-12 days? That's not fair. We've got sh*t to do! So let's address our diets, changing our lifestyle a bit to suit our hectic daily lives, giving us the boost we need to get through these few days. Don't reach for the Aleve just yet!

Women have approximately 450 menstrual cycles in their lifetime.

Your monthly cycle has four unique phases, and each one brings about different physical and emotional strengths in you. The key to success is learning how to work with your cycle instead of against it! So let's understand each cycle:

Days 1-5: The Menstrual Phase

#Progesterone and Estrogen levels have plummeted significantly. Your energy is the lowest in your cycle leaving you to feel tired and withdrawn and craving a nap or a day off. This is the time you crave snacks or sweets. Don't give in!


  1. Introduce quietness and deliberate rest, or if you're pressed for time take a short walk or three minutes of deep breathing and clear your social calendar of big events.

  2. Exercise should include gentle movement and stretching. Try yoga and walking!


Eat to be concious of your body's health but at the same time giving it comfort. Fat keeps mood stable

  1. Increase your Iron Intake: You're losing blood so you need to replace the iron being lost. This includes consuming red meat, poultry and fish. If you're vegetarian, this includes dark, leafy greens, dried beans, peas and lentils. Adding Vitamin C will help you absorb iron a bit more efficiently.

  2. Vitamin B12: This functions in energy metabolism and red blood cell development. Found in animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese, fish and poultry. Vegetarians - look for meat alternatives such as soy products fortified with vitamin B12. Throw some #Avocados in there!

  3. Nuts & Seeds: Chestnut, Pumpkin, Flax

  4. Fruits: Grapes and Watermelon


Days 5-13: The Follicular Phase

It's called the Follicular Phase becasue your pituitary gland releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which stimulates the follicles in your ovaries to matures. Estrogen and Testosterone begin to rise during this phase so you feel energetic, assertive and willing to take risks. #Testosterone stimulates your libido while #Estrogen makes you feel more extroverted and suppresses your appetite. MAXIMIZE IT!


  1. Brainstorming and Problem Solving are your major strengths so initiate new projects and make big decisions. Use your social powers and engage yourself.

  2. Strenuous, hard core exercise will be amazing at this time.


Eat to balance your Estrogen which is dominant at this time.

  1. Sprouted and Fermented Foods: Oats, Barley, Broccoli, Parsley, Green Peas, String Beans

  2. Fruits: Avocado, Oranges, Lime

  3. Legumes: Black-Eyed Peas, Lentils, Channa

  4. Nuts & Seeds: Cashew, Pumpkin, Flax

  5. Olives


Day 14: The Ovulation Phase

Ovulation - An egg gets released from its follicle in your ovary and will survive for 12-12 hours. Estrogen and Testosterone rise to peak levels. Your skin will glow, you'll look your best and feel more confident anddddd your sex drive will be at it's highest (See? something for the men too in here!)


  1. Great time for networking and public speaking!

  2. Schedule a date night

  3. Enjoy lot's of physical activity - Go beast mode in the #Gym or #Zumba it out!

Maybe not in that order but you get it.


  1. PROTEIN: Fuel your body with proteins like eggs, fish, meat, poultry, legumes, and yogurt.

  2. Raw Juices and Fresh Veggies: High fiber vegetables, fruits and whole grains!

  3. Tumeric and Guava is encouraged at this time! - Head to my page for the upcoming blog post on #TumericTea!


Days 15-28: The Luteal Phase

Begins on the 15th day and lasts till the end of the cycle. Progesterone and Estrogen levels surge and then both being to decline and your body begins producing #Progesterone. THIS leads to those #MoodSwings. You may experience carbohydrate-heavy comfort foods, anxiety and moodiness.


  1. Practice self-care during these days leading up to your menstrual cycle.

  2. Spend time along - take a yoga class, sleep in late or do anything that makes you feel balanced.

  3. Boost natural endorphins with a good sweat - take a run!


  1. You're going to get hungry in the evening for no reason. Nip it in the bud by having a snack with a combination of fiber and protein. Example: Peanut Butter Celery Sticks or a Granola-Yogurt Parfait! (

  2. Swap the sweets for healthier food. Make healthy convenient at this time!

  3. Vitamin-B: Craving Carbs? Go for Quinoa or Fruit instead!

  4. Skip salt. Go easy on the soy-sauce. Control the amount of sodium in your food by cooking at home.

  5. Mint -

Get ready for the repeat!

Most of the above mentioned dietary ideas have #MealBlogs on my page to accompany them. Look for posts on Granola, Yogurt, Fruits, Kale, Salmon, Avocados, Eggs, Steak and Smoothies for meal ideas!

Hope this helps!

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